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World #1 Casino Business Goes MLM
Offers Everyone the Chance to
Share Their Profits � get in at the start

I just had to get this off my mind and share with you how good this opportunity really is. I have been around the industry for years and have got rich at the tables and made even more money promoting casinos through affiliate schemes. I never saw a pay scheme this good � in fact I know it�s so good that I�ve stopped actively promoting any other affiliate schemes on this site!

Let me explain...

Right off, it costs $25 to join and yet by registering yourself as a casino and poker player you get $80 back. It�s difficult to look at that and say �No�, but there�s more...

They are #1 casino and poker room in the world. It�s the ultimate high profile trusted brand name in the business. That says it all.
It is a publicly listed company. This means they are transparent. When you�ve been around the business for the time I have you know that it means they pay you when they say they will
They are leaders in an industry that just keeps on growing (over $1 million / month)
888 are used to paying out commissions for referrals � they are already paying out over $1 million a month now to Affiliates
888 are launching a new network marketing division (888) � the first online gaming company to do this
888 will be virtual (all on the web) so easily built from home without having to drive miles to meetings, etc. Just the way I like it - its tough driving anywhere from the Virgin Islands
888 have systems all in place to build in multiple countries, in multiple languages, allowing the potential to build a networking business and income across ALL countries of the world, without leaving your house/yacht!
The 888 Pay Plan is a really simple to understand 3 x 10 matrix, just a $25 deal... meaning you need just 3 people frontline, all the others you introduce auto-fill under the 3 legs creating spill in to your matrix, which grows and then potentially pays you down 10 levels (and much more!)... right across the globe!
The $25 provides you with a website for you to use to promote the business. Remember, when you register yourself as a player they give you $80 back!

This is great but what really fires me up is the fact that everyone can share in the success of a casino that is already successful. You don�t even have to be a player; if you�re not, you need to register for my FREE Newsletter. You should probably sign up for it anyway; after all it is FREE.

Just consider...

The 888 brand has high visibility and public awareness
The fact the business is virtual means it can be built easily from home using the phone and computer
Massive global potential, especially exciting for the USA, and the Indian and Asian markets
Because all the business is built down through the matrix, if you get positioned early there is the ability to benefit from the worldwide growth. Now is early!
Marketing something that people get enjoyment from participating in. Online gaming is set to grow for years to come

Think you can do it? I know you can. If I can, you can. The only difference between you and me is that I�m doing something about it.

More� Just think of the return on capital invested� $25 invested and returns of $80 in month 1 and after that??? I lose a lot of sleep just thinking about that one!

Still more...

If all of the above is not enough for you, getting involved with 888 through Casino 4 Gamers will give you all of the following additional and unique benefits:

We don�t want you just to get rich, we want to help you do it!
The best network support in the business � take a look around this site to understand our knowledge and professionalism
Regular information updates
Exclusive access to Pete Parker�s special tips service
Quarterly incentive schemes see below for what we have this quarter!
Exclusive opportunity to win the use of a villa in Spain for 10 days
Exclusive opportunity to win a 5 day weekend on a 90 foot yacht in Ibiza, fully staffed and catered

It�s a clich�, but you�ve got to be in it to win it. If you want to win do something about it now.

See you at the top � the very top!

Pete Parker
Professional gambler and founder of Casino 4 Gamers

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