Handicap Betting
Asian Handicap is a form of betting, which has become
very popular in Asia (thus the name Asian Handicap). You
may also have heard about Asian Handicap from the name
"Hang Cheng".
"Handicap" means that a team has received a virtual head
start, effectively leading the game with 1/2 goal, 1/4
goal, 3/4 goal, 1 goal, 1 1/4 goal, etc.
When you bet with Asian Handicap, the possibility for a
draw in a game is eliminated. Only home or away wins
exist. If the game ends in a draw, you will get your
stake back. There is perhaps some confusing terminology,
for instance half-handicap (1/2-goal), and quarter
handicap (1/4-goal). We will explain this thoroughly in
this article.
Asian Handicap,� better for you?
Asian Handicap is definitively something for you! We are
all familiar with fixed odds betting. It has been, and
still is the "normal" way of betting.
But with Asian Handicap, there is a much better chance
of profit, due to the fact that you get your stakes back
(or at least a part of it, depending on the handicap),
when a draw occurs. In fixed odds betting, you would
lose your money if you bet on something other than the
actual result. You can bet on teams which you really
don't believe will win the match, but due to the
handicap, your team may still provide you with a profit!
Asian Handicap betting also provides much more
excitement, as one single goal can take you from heaven
to hell.
Generally, you increase your mathematical chances of
winning on a single bet from 33.3% (fixed odds betting),
to 50% (using Asian Handicap, although depending on the
What's required?
The worst thing about Asian Handicap, in our opinion, is
the rather complex way of figuring out the return. Of
course you will get used to it after a while, but
nevertheless it's a "must" to check with the tables
showing the possible returns. (See Result calculation
table below).
You will also need an account with companies offering
Asian Handicap. Not all bookmakers offer Asian Handicap.
Result calculation table
The table shows your winnings for given results at a
given handicap. As you can see, you will get half your
stake back, or lose only half your stake when there's a
1/4, 3/4, 1 1/4 etc handicap. If a straight handicap
(0:0, 0:1, or 1:0) results in a game ending with a draw,
then you will get your stake back, because it is a "no
bet" situation.
On half-handicaps, there is never a "no bet" situation.
One of the teams must win, whatever the final result is.
Example 0:0 handicap
In a 0:0 handicap you will get you money back if the
game ends in a draw (0-0, 1-1, 2-2, etc)
Home team |
Away team |
Handicap |
Home odds |
Away odds |
Chelsea |
Arsenal |
0-1 |
2.40 |
1.70 |
You bet $100 on Arsenal.
�Result |
Chelsea |
Arsenal |
�Comment |
� |
0 |
0 |
No handicap given. |
0:0 |
No bet |
No bet |
You get your stake back. Nothing won, nothing
lost |
1:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 1-0, you lose $100 |
0:1 |
-100% |
+100% |
Arsenal won 1-0, you win $205 |
2:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 2-0, you lose $100 |
3:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 3-0, you lose $100 |
1-1 |
No bet |
No bet |
Same as 0-0. All draws return your stakes with a
0:0 handicap |
Example 0:1/4 handicap
When a team has got a 1/4 goal start, you will either
lose 50 % or win 50% if the game ends in a draw.�A 1/4
handicap is actually 2 handicaps, one of 0:0, and one of
0: 1/2. Thus, if 2 identical bets are placed on 0:0 and
0:1/2, then we have a 1/4 handicap bet.
A "no bet" situation is impossible.
Home team |
Away team |
Handicap |
Home win quote |
Away win quote |
Chelsea |
Arsenal |
0-1/4 |
1.95 |
2.0 |
You bet $100 on Arsenal.
�Result |
Chelsea |
Arsenal |
�Comment |
� |
0 |
1/4 |
Arsenal given a 1/4-goal handicap (head start) |
0:0 |
-50% |
+50% |
Arsenal won 1/4 - 0, you win 50% of� $100�� (50%
of stake x odds) |
1:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 1- 1/4, you lose $100 |
0:1 |
-100% |
+100% |
Arsenal won 1 1/4 - 0, you win $100 |
2:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 2 - 1/4, you lose $100 |
3:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 3 - 1/4, you lose $100 |
1-1 |
-50% |
+50% |
Arsenal won by 1/4 goal. You win 50% of stake x
odds |
The same goes for the 1 �-handicap, the 2 �-handicap,
and so on.� The difference being that the 50% rule apply
when one of the teams have won 1-0, thus the game is a
Example 0:1/2 handicap
When a team has got a 1/2 goal start, you will either
lose 100% or win 100%. A draw (and thereby a "no bet"
situation) is impossible.
Home team |
Away team |
Handicap |
Home win quote |
Away win quote |
Chelsea |
Arsenal |
0-1/2 |
2.10 |
1.85 |
You bet $100 on Arsenal.
�Result |
Chelsea |
Arsenal |
�Comment |
� |
0 |
1/2 |
Arsenal given a 1/2-goal handicap (head start) |
0:0 |
-100% |
+100% |
Arsenal won 1/2 - 0, you win $185 |
1:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 1- 1/2, you lose $100 |
0:1 |
-100% |
+100% |
Arsenal won 1 1/2 - 0, you win $185 |
2:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 2 - 1/2, you lose $100 |
3:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 3 - 1/2, you lose $100 |
1-1 |
-100% |
+100% |
Arsenal won by half goal, you win $185 (same as
for 0-0) |
Example 0:3/4 handicap
you have bet on a team with a 3/4 goal start, you will
lose 50% if your team loses by 1 goal. For all other
results you will either win 100% or lose 100% depending
on which team you backed with your bet. A 3/4 handicap
is actually 2 bets, one on 1/2 goal handicap, and one on
1 goal handicap. Thus, if 2 identical bets are placed on
the 1/2 goal, and the 1-goal handicap, then we have a
3/4-handicap situation
A "no bet" situation is impossible.
Home team |
Away team |
Handicap |
Home win quote |
Away win quote |
Chelsea |
Arsenal |
0-3/4 |
2.10 |
1.7 |
You bet $100 on Arsenal.
�Result |
Chelsea |
Arsenal |
�Comment |
� |
0 |
3/4 |
Arsenal given a 3/4-goal handicap (head start) |
0:0 |
-100% |
+100% |
Arsenal won 3/4 - 0, you win 100%� ($170) |
1:0 |
+50% |
-50% |
Chelsea won 1- 3/4, you lose 50% of your stake |
0:1 |
-100% |
+100% |
Arsenal won 1 3/4 - 0, you win $170 |
2:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 2 - 3/4, you lose $100 |
3:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 3 - 3/4, you lose $100 |
Example 0:1 handicap
When a team has got a 1 goal start, you'll get your
stakes back if the other team wins by 1 goal (levelling
the game). A draw is not permitted in Asian Handicap,
thus you get your money back.
Home team |
Away team |
Handicap |
Home win quote |
Away win quote |
Chelsea |
Arsenal |
0-1 |
2.40 |
1.70 |
You bet $100 on Arsenal.
�Result |
Chelsea |
Arsenal |
�Comment |
� |
0 |
1 |
Arsenal given a 1-goal handicap (head start) |
0:0 |
-100% |
+100% |
Arsenal "won" 1 - 0, you win $170 |
1:0 |
No bet
No bet |
"No bet"-situation. Game level. You get your
stakes back. |
0:1 |
-100% |
+100% |
Arsenal "won" 2 - 0, you win $170 |
2:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea "won" 2 - 1, you lose $100 |
3:0 |
+100% |
-100% |
Chelsea won 3 - 1, you lose $100 |
1-1 |
-100% |
+100% |
Arsenal won by 1 goal, you win $170 (same as for
0-0) |