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Horse Racing

Its race day, you've arrived at the track and found your seats. There's lots of activity and you don't have the slightest idea what you are doing. Will this be a joyous, pleasurable event, or something you will endure and hope for the best? We want you to have a great time!

The pageantry of racing can not be found anywhere in any other sport: from the moment you wander to the paddock to watch these magnificent animals, to owners enjoying their horses, to the jockey mounting the horse when "riders up" is called, to the bugler announcing that the horses are coming on track... and then these magnificent animals bow their necks anticipating the race, asking to run. If you are lucky enough to attend a race day when a star horse races, you will witness a horse that understands racing at its finest... you will see an individual in spectacular physical shape, with a mental attitude that is often not found with our human athletes.

Many are hooked just by viewing the horses on the run down to the start, others like the challenge of picking horses to win and being right. People use various methods to handicap the races and you will hear arguments or jokes about others' choices. You will see boisterous folks saying "My horse can beat your horse," and you will understand that this is how it all got started, long ago. . . "Can your horse beat my horse though?"

The majority of this section is devoted to handicapping. However, most racing fans are in awe of this spectacular animal.

These pages of our website are dedicated to fans of horses and horse racing. Spend some time exploring our website for all that you need to make your racing experience more pleasurable.

First we'll give you some of the amazing history of horse racing and how it came to truly be the �Sport of Kings�.

We�ll provide you with some information on the types of bets that you can wager.

We�ll give you some FREE tips that we hope will keep your racing experience as enjoyable as it should be.

To select a winner the art of handicapping has become the foundation of a day at the races. Some pointers on what to look for are included as well as strategies of wagering. If you're going to have a great story of making money at the track, you'll sure want to understand something about handicapping. We�ll give you some FREE information on how to study and analyse the FORM of horses in the different races on the card. We are confident that good use of this guide will help you stay ahead of the bookmakers.

Finally, we know that we will inevitably use terminology that you may not be familiar with so we will provide you with a Glossary of terms that we hope will explain them all.

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