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Why most casino bonus offers are a scam�

Ever wondered why casinos seem to GIVE their money away? Ever considered that perhaps they don�t? �

You�ll have seen all the banner ads for 100% deposit bonus or $100 deposit bonus being offered by many casinos. Did you ever work out how good that deal really is? Lets just start by assuming that commercial casinos are not going to give you something for nothing�

Now we did some analysis of some of the deals on offer. This one is picked at random and relates to an actual casino. They offer a 100% bonus on an initial deposit of $100. Sounds good so far�

Before you can take out your winnings you need to turnover/wager both deposit and bonus 20 times. This means that you would have to wager $4,000 before you can withdraw winnings from this particular casino.

So what games do you enjoy playing? I like the table games, blackjack and roulette. Sadly, the casino we looked at doesn�t count wagers on blackjack, roulette, craps, baccarat, red dog, pai gow or video poker towards the $4,000!!! So what does this mean? Simple really, it limits you to playing slots and a few other games�

The real scam here is that they fail to tell you all this up front, and worse than that the casinos direct you towards playing games where the house edge regularly exceeds 10%. So lets work that out � if you wager just $2,000 on a game with an average rake of lets say 10% you would be expected to lose $200 on most occasions, which just happens to be your initial deposit plus bonus. The probability that you would manage to wager $4,000 against these house odds before losing your money is extremely unlikely.

Now don�t get me wrong here, some bonuses are better than others but usually only for small $. While we did this work we found one casino, and I mean only one, that actually pays you a rebate based on the amount you wager without limitations on the games you want to play.

Let me give you a quick example � if you wagered a total of $2,000 as above but could choose your game. Lets say you chose to play Roulette with a European wheel where the rules include en prison, which is available at this casino, the house edge on the outside bets is just 1.35%. So with average luck you would lose just $27�

But it gets even better than that. What blew our brains out was that this casino actually rebates you a commission based on the level of your action. I don�t want to get too complicated here so follow the link below for more detailed info.

How good is this? Like I said it blew our brains out when we realised how bad a scam the bonus scheme is and how good this offer is. As soon as we discovered this we actually stopped recommending any other casinos.

Find out more about this casino now�


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