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This page is compiled for those that already understand the massive incomes that can be earned from promoting casino and poker room sites. It applies equally to webmasters as it does to individuals with a network of friends who enjoy gambling.

A good affiliate scheme requires a program that offers genuine rewards for effort supporting a great casino or poker room. The 888 Scheme offers precisely that:

Benefits of the 888 Affiliate Scheme

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������� Commissions are multi-tier paid down to level 10

������� Commissions are paid up to 25% of casino net profits on level 1, 5% on level 2, 2.5% on level 3, 1.25% on level 4 halving at each level down to level 12. Innovatively, commissions are not paid on the basis of losses incurred by players introduced by you but by their action as a proportion of the total action in the casino in the period. This means that you still share in the commission payout even when your players are on winning runs.

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������� You are provided, free of charge, with a password protected site where you can monitor the growth of players in your business and to access all accounting entries related to your account as well as selecting your preferred payment method.

� �� Casino 4 Gamers will provide you with support to help you grow your business

������ 888 will provide tools to enable you to promote the business

For more details click here�

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