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The online casino business is competitive; every one of them wants you as a client and wants you to introduce all your friends. All the casinos we have ever recommended have wanted you to do the same.

Casino 4 Gamers recently took the decision to stop promoting every casino we could find frankly because we were concerned that many of them did not provide the best deal available to the player, their customers. So many of them would offer you, the introducer a small one-off incentive, often based on the level of first deposit made by the person you introduced.

The 888 casino, that we now exclusively promote, has an extremely original and unique Refer A Friend scheme. We believe that the scheme offered is by far the most generous available from any casino. The key features of this scheme are:

������� The value of your introduction is respected by the casino for life, into perpetuity

������� As introducer you are rewarded through a clearly defined share of the casino profits

������� The amount of reward is based on the turnover of the person you introduced within any given period

������� There are no restrictions on the games that contribute to turnover

������� It is not based around the amount that your friends or associates lose, which often causes stigma and friendship issues. In fact, you are not provided with any information about your associate�s casino activity, so no problem there

������� You are not limited as to how many friends, colleagues and associates you can introduce

������� You even get rewarded for friends and family that your friend introduces

������� There are other non-activity based rewards that are also available

������� You can increase your reward share by taking a stake in the business if you want to

Membership of the Aspiritus Casino is free with no obligation whatsoever. Why not apply now and find out exactly how much you can make from using the casino yourself and bringing in a few of your best friends and colleagues.


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