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In our Poker pages you will discover tips and strategies for the basic beginners and the more advanced players
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Poker - Newbie Mistakes

Don�t panic, this applies to some experienced players too! We�ve all been there!

hatever we are new at we are likely to make mistakes. Making mistakes at Poker can cost you money though. You need to play in an alert and disciplined fashion. If not, you could fold when there is the chance to see the next card for free when that card could make your hand, or by giving other players unnecessary advantages.�

1. �Betting out of Turn
You must wait until the player to your right acts. If you bet out of turn this could give an unfair advantage to a player that did not act yet. If you raise out of turn a player that might had called could fold. Or if you fold out of turn you are giving an advantage to the player on your left who now knows you won't raise.

2. �Betting Levels
You have to know what the bet is when it is your turn. After the turn in a limit game the bets are double the amount they were before and after the flop. You must also be aware if the bet was raised.

3.� Free Cards
Sometimes if the player does not like the flop or turn he will immediately fold when it is his turn. If you are first to act you can check. If everyone else checks, you get to see the next card for free. The same is true if everyone checks before it is your turn, you should also check. The free card may just make your hand.

4. �Throwing chips into the pot
Place your bet in front of you. This way the dealer sees that your bet is correct. He will scoop them into the pot.

5.� Card Protection
Place your hands or a chip on top of your cards. If another player's cards mix with yours when they throw in their cards your hand will be declared dead.

6.� Discards
The cards speak for themselves. Don't immediately throw your cards into the muck if someone calls out a better hand. The dealer will declare the winner of the hand. If you missed a better hand than you thought you had you might just be the winner.

7.� Control Your Emotions
Keep your emotions in check. The table is not the place for foul language or temper tantrums. It will not be tolerated. Besides it makes you look foolish. Veteran players as well as new comers occasionally make this mistake.

8. �Avoid Being On Tilt
This is playing wildly or recklessly. A player is said to be "on tilt" if he is not playing his best, playing too many hands, trying wild bluffs, raising with bad hands. Avoid playing like this; take a break.

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