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Poker Hand Rankings

These are all the possible poker hands, from highest to lowest.
Note: c=clubs, d=diamonds, h=hearts, s=spades.
There is only one deck used in a hand.

Royal Flush

An Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten in the same suit. E.g., Ad-Kd-Qd-Jd-10d.
Straight Flush

Five card in sequence of the same suit. E.g., 8s-7s-6s-5s-4s. The ace can play low to make 5c-4c-3c-2c-Ac, the lowest straight flush.
Four of a Kind

Four cards of the same rank, accompanied by a "kicker". E.g., Kc-Ks-Kd-Kh-3d. Ranked by the four matched cards, so 5-5-5-5-3 would beat 4-4-4-4-K.
Full House

Three of a Kind combined with a Pair. E.g., 9c-9s-9h-5s-5h. Ranked by the three of a kind, so 4-4-4-2-2 would beat 3-3-3-A-A

Any five cards of the same suit, but not in sequence. Ranked by the top card, and then by the next card, so that Ah-Jh-9h-4h-2h beats As-Js-8s-7s-6s. Suits are not used to break ties.

Five cards in sequence, but of different suits. E.g., Ks-Qd-Jh-10c-9h. The Ace can be either high or low, e.g., A-K-Q-J-10 and 5-4-3-2-A. "Around the corner" straights like 3-2-A-K-Q are not allowed.
Three of a Kind

Three cards of the same rank and and two unrelated kickers. E.g., 7s-7h-7c-Qd-3h. Ranked by the three matched cards and then the kickers, so Q-Q-Q-8-4 would beat J-J-J-A-K, but Q-Q-Q-A-K beats Q-Q-Q-A-7.
Two Pair

Two separate pairs. E.g., Jc-Jd-4c-4d-As. Two cards of one rank, two cards of another rank and a kicker of a third rank, such as 10-10-4-4-9. Ranked by the top pair, then the bottom pair and finally the kicker, so that K-K-4-4-9 beats all of these: Q-Q-J-J-A, K-K-2-2-Q, and K-K-4-4-5.

Two cards of the same rank, accompanied by three kickers of different ranks, such as As-Ad-9c-3s-2d. Ranked by the pair, followed by each kicker in turn, so A-A-K-5-3 would beat A-A-K-5-2.
High Card

If none of the above combinations can be made, the hand with the highest card(s) wins.

If two or more players have hands that are the same ranking, the winner is the player with the higher cards. For example, a Flush with an Ace high beats a Flush with a King high. If the Poker hands remain tied then the highest card not being held in common (the kicker) determines the winner. Suits are not used to break ties, nor are cards beyond the fifth; only the best five cards in each hand are used in the comparison. If hands are identical in value then the pot is split evenly between the winning players, with odd chips being distributed to the left of the button.

Low Hands
Two cards of the same rank, accompanied by three kickers of different ranks, such as As-Ad-9c-3s-2d. Ranked by the pair, followed by each kicker in turn, so A-A-K-5-3 would beat A-A-K-5-2.

High Card

If none of the above combinations can be made, the hand with the highest card(s) wins.

If two or more players have hands that are the same ranking, the winner is the player with the higher cards. For example, a Flush with an Ace high beats a Flush with a King high. If the Poker hands remain tied then the highest card not being held in common (the kicker) determines the winner. Suits are not used to break ties, nor are cards beyond the fifth; only the best five cards in each hand are used in the comparison. If hands are identical in value then the pot is split evenly between the winning players, with odd chips being distributed to the left of the button.

Low Hands
In Hi Lo games, a low hand must be high card "8 or better" to qualify. To be eligible to win the low, the highest card must be a 5, 6, 7, or 8. The winning low hand (8 or better) is determined by the lowest High card. Upon a tie with the High card, the hand goes to the player with the next lowest High card. Any hand that has a card of 9 or higher can NOT qualify as a low hand. A-2-3-4-5 is the perfect low hand. This hand could also be a straight for the high hand (straights don't count in low hands).

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