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Baccarat Online - The Baccarat Game

Baccarat is a popular, uncomplicated and entertaining card game traditionally played in elegant, dressed-up surroundings, on a simply laid out Casino table. Modern technology, of course, also provides a version of the game online. Nowadays, you may even download a version that is playable on your personal computer. Many online Casinos offer players the option of getting right into the real stakes game, or playing (practicing) just for fun, at no cost.

The objective of Baccarat is to place one or more bets that a player's hand will either win, or lose, or tie the croupier's (banker) hand. That is, you may bet that the player's hand will win, you may bet on the banker hand, or you may wager that the player's hand will tie the banker hand. It's as simple as that.

While the imposing atmosphere around the table may attract the well-dressed high roller, Baccarat is a simple game of chance that involves no degree of skill on the part of the player or dealer. Players may sit in any of the 14 open seats at the table, as seating position does not affect the play in any way. Each seat corresponds to a number on the layout, one through 15. In most Casinos the number 13 is deliberately excluded to comfort the superstitious.

Three dealers service each table. The dealer standing in the middle is known as the croupier, or the caller, dealer or banker. The croupier makes the calls on each hand as they are dealt, and directs the players on the rules and procedures of the game. The other two dealers are responsible for handling the payoffs.

The popularity of Baccarat among international high rollers is consistent with its image as the most glamorous of Casino games. In spite of its sophisticated image, it is one of the easiest casino games to play. The player makes only one basic decision during each hand. The croupier handles the rest, playing out the hands according to strict, well-established house rules.

You begin each hand by placing your chips on one or more of the three betting choices displayed on the Baccarat table layout, i.e., player, banker or tie. Two cards are then dealt face-up to the player and the banker. The hands are then evaluated to determine if either has a two-card total of eight or nine, also called a natural.

To evaluate a hand, the total is first determined by adding the numerical value of the cards held. In addition to the two naturals, eight and nine, the numbered cards, from seven through two, are taken at their normal numerical value. The ace is always played as one, and the kings, queens, jacks and tens are worth zero. The only exception to this is that some casinos may assign the ten a value of ten.

If a hand total is in double figures, then the first digit of the sum is always ignored. For example, a hand totalling 15 would count as five, or a jack, three would be worth three.

The perfect or natural hand is one that totals nine in the first two cards. Eight, which is also referred to as a natural, is the second-best hand. The only hand that will beat a natural eight is a natural nine. If there is a natural in a dealt hand, play stops and the hand with the natural wins. If both hands contain a natural, the higher natural wins. Two equal naturals result in a tie. If there is no natural, a third dealt card may be introduced into the play.

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