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There are an enormous number of betting and money management systems out there, most claiming to have been developed through years of personal experience at the tables and typically available for sale.

In truth there are very few original betting systems with the majority available today being variations and modifications of the originals. The first known and oldest bankroll system was The Martingale System. Spread of Martingale systems was one of the original reasons the casinos decided to implement table limits as the casinos seriously feared for their well being back in the old good days.

Betting systems are equally applicable to online casinos as they are to the tables in London or Las Vegas. They are most suited to table games where there is less opportunity for the player to influence the house payout. At the Blackjack table, for example, most players would be expected to use Basic Strategy and a few to use card counting techniques to turn the payouts more in their favour. Betting strategy may then be determined by how �hot� the deck is. At the other table games � Roulette, Craps, Baccarat � the house payouts are determined only by the rules the table applies and a money management system can be a useful discipline to apply. These systems can also be applied to Sports Betting eg horse racing.

The different gambling systems fall into three groups with extremely different characteristics. It is important for you to understand your risk profile before you start using these systems.

Negative Progression Systems

������� You increase the bet when you lose

������� Require more capital and usually employed to force a winning outcome following a losing streak

������� High risk strategy

Examples of Negative Progression betting systems are:

������� The Martingale System

������� The D�Alenbert System

������� The Labouchere System

Positive Progression Systems

������� Here you increase your stake when you win, the �let it ride� principle

������� Require less capital and are normally used to take advantage of winning streaks

������� Low risk systems

Examples of Positive Progression betting systems are:

������� The Parlay System

������� The Paroli System

������� The Reverse Labouchere System

������� The 1-3-2-6 System

Insurance Systems

������� You decrease the amount of your bet when you win, usually following a high initial bet or following short 'let-it-ride' progressive wins

������� Conservative

Examples of Insurance Systems are:

������� The D�Alenbert System

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