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Video Poker is unique in the bright lights world of the Casino. It's usually said of Casinos and gambling that the House Always Wins; this is true most of the time but not when discussing Video Poker. It's true that most games, like blackjack, roulette, craps, slots, etc. are 'negative expectation' games (or ones in which the Casino holds a house edge over the player, and wins in the long run). These games are mathematically impossible to beat over the long term, and only offer short-term winnings as the possible payoff. This is how Casinos make their money of course, and nobody is unaware. Video Poker is a little different.

So what's the catch? Because you know there has to be a catch. Well, really the only catch is that you have to be fairly disciplined, you have to understand the good from the bad games, you have to know exactly which games may be positive expectation, and you have to play a fair amount, because the long term positive expectation is slim and can take a while to accumulate.

Volatility is a major factor in trying to outlast a video poker machine. A large bankroll is needed to weather the storm. Video Poker is a test of skill, but unlike others, it's a test you get to take with no time limit, no judges, nobody looking over your shoulder, and no reason to do anything but take your time, play perfectly, and win!

The vast majority of video Poker players make the wrong choices on what machine to play and how to play that machine. The main cause of novices not taking on the game with any vigour is the fact that the short- term losses can be quite discouraging. A large bankroll is required to beat a machine over time. But the rare offering of a positive expectation for the player should be more than enough to spur you on in mastering this exceptional Casino offering.

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