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The most important slot machine tip we can give you is to read the rest of this page. These tips are free and do not lead you on to buy some e-book with more tips that we already offer for nothing.

Slot Machine Tip #1

Don�t be greedy

Players don't lose because they never win; they lose because they don't quit when they're ahead. Remember on how many occasions you were winning? You were ahead? It wasn't a big haul, so you kept playing, hoping to rake in more and more. In the end, you gave back all you won and you lost all the money you started with. The longer a gambler plays, the more likely the house will win. That's a fact.

The main reason the great majority of players don't win is their own greed. One Casino executive told us: "Our players win all the time, but when they do they're not happy, they want to win more and more, so they keep playing until their bankroll is all gone."

So what's the slot machine tip that'll make you a winner? Stop being greedy! Before you put your money at risk, think about what you would like to achieve, besides having fun. Do you want to play for a certain number of hours, or do you want to win a specific dollar amount? Or a combination of both? Think about it. It's a most important slot machine tip.

Slot Machine Tip #2

Set reasonable goals

Supposing you're willing to risk �200 on your favourite slot or video poker game. It would be wishful thinking to hope to turn �200 into �10,000, but you have a realistic chance to turn �200 into �250, that's a 25% gain in a very short time. Where else can you get 25% on your money that quickly and have fun doing it? Slot machine tip number two: Set a modest goal and quit as soon as that goal is achieved.

On the other hand, if you plan to make your �200 stake last for three hours, use this slot machine tip: play a 25-cent machine and stop at the end of the pre-set time period, regardless of whether you're ahead or behind.

Decide on what you're aiming for before you begin playing and don't let greed take over. That way you have an excellent shot at achieving your goal, and you assure that you will not lose more than what you were willing to risk in the first place. Have the discipline to do this and you will have a much more satisfying gambling experience. Using common sense and being in control at all times is perhaps the most important slot machine tip of all.

Slot Machine Tip #3
Know your machine

Before you begin to play a new, unfamiliar type of machine always read the instructions. Make sure you know how many coins to insert for maximum payout. There is nothing worse than seeing the jackpot combination line up and then discover you didn't insert enough coins to qualify for the big payoff.

Slot Machine Tip #4
Look for the best paying machines

Look for machines that payout between 95 and 99 percent and only play those. Theses are mostly �1 and higher machines. Statistical research data indicate that �5 or higher machines have the highest percentage payout range. The range starts at 93.7% and goes up to 98.5%.

Remember - these are ranges and averages, not absolute values. The next highest payouts come from �1 machines followed by 50-cent machines, 25-cent machines, and 5-cent machines.

You will often see signs that say "Up to 98% payback" indicating that they have loose machines. This means that over the long term the slot will pay out 98 cents of every dollar that is played. The "up to" is the key point here. It means that a Casino could have only one machine set to pay back at 98% to comply with the sign. If you find an area of slots with a sign without the "up to" you may want to give it a try.

Slot Machine Tip #5
Play non-progressive machines

The random number generators are programmed to produce a higher number of reels and symbols on progressive jackpot machines, slot players are better off playing the flat rate machines found in the best locations.

Slot Machine Tip #6
Bribe a casino employee

Ask an employee in the slots area which machines are the best. Offer them a cut of your profits (if you make money) for helping you.

Slot Machine Tip #7
Play the maximum number of coins

The only way you can hit the jackpot is by playing the maximum coins. When you look at the payout table on the slot machine, most of the time there are three columns; the first column is the payout for playing one coin, the second for playing two coins, and the third for playing three coins (maximum).

Slot Machine Tip #8
Don't play multiple pay line slots

Although it seems like you have better chances playing multiple-payline slot machine, you're increasing the odds against you drastically. The fact that you have to pay more to play these kinds of slots and that the payout rates aren't as good as single-payline slots makes it a bad deal.

Slot Machine Tip #9
Always use your slots card

Don't forget to insert your player�s card in the reader before you begin playing and don't forget to take it with you when you leave. Many players do not take advantage of "comps."

Slot Machine Tip #10
Play with coins rather than bills

If you want to get the most play for your money, feed the machines coins rather than using bills. However, make sure that the payout percentage is worth your time.

Slot Machine Tip #11
Know when to stop

Discipline is necessary when gambling, regardless of what casino game it is. It's very easy to just keep playing because you think you are minutes away from the jackpot, but that can be dangerous. Your chances of hitting the jackpot are the same for each pull. Decide how to handle your winnings. Pocket 25% or 50% or 75% and add the remainder to your bankroll for more playing, or keep it all.

Slot Machine Tip #12
Play the highest denomination machines that fit into your bankroll

The higher the denomination the higher the percentage of payout on slot machines. Therefore, if you can afford it, play the �5 slots in the best locations. If that's too much then play the �1 machines.

Slot Machine Tip #13
Try the machine next to you if yours is not paying off

According to industry sources, the casinos NEVER place two loose machines next to each other. If you're uncertain as to whether your machine is loose, it may not hurt to try the machines on either side of you.

Slot Machine Tip #14
slot machines "dump" from time to time

Dumping occurs when a given machine has been paying out below its programmed percentage payout for an extended period of time. Dumping is its way of returning to its baseline percentage. This phenomenon can occur anywhere on the gaming floor, and you need to take full advantage of it when it happens. Ok, HOW?

If you were to observe two slot machines side-by-side, and one was a legitimate 99%er while the other one was a 90% (tight) machine dumping - you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. And, the best part is: it doesn't matter! Using your personal pull-rule, you would play the machine(s) fast and hard. When they stop paying, MOVE ON.
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