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Online Blackjack is a smart game that should be played the smart way. Blackjack is not as random and unpredictable as most of the other online Casino games. You can still play and win intuitively without any premises and rules, but in order to play as efficiently as possible you will want to learn the smart ways to play online Blackjack and the strategies used to maximize your chances and lessen the advantage of the house.

All casino games have a mathematical advantage built into them. A strategy can only advance the player's chances and reduce the average advantage but it cannot provide a way to overcome the advantage. In other words, there is never a sure way to win in online casino.
he purpose of a strategy is to make winning most likely, not absolutely guaranteed. Just like with investments, no system can guarantee you a return.

An Online Blackjack strategy is basically a set of recommendations how to play the game. It is very important to understand that under "How to Play" we refer to all game-related decisions - both betting and playing the game itself.

As Blackjack remains the most popular game in both online and land Casinos, it has an avid history. A lot of mathematical research was invested into studying Blackjack and devising a mathematical system that would provide the player with the best chances to win.

A betting system is a strategy that suggests an optimal way to manage bets. Betting systems rely on duration of the game and one's bankroll, basically "riding" the winning streaks. An example of such a system would be the Martingale System. Martingale system is an old and deprecated way of managing bets that doesn't really work in online casinos today. The opposite of Martingale is the Paroli System which is more effective but has its own disadvantages and implications. There's also a lesser-known Labouchere System which is somewhat more complicated and the D'Alembert system.

A playing system is a playtime strategy that prescribes an efficient way to make decisions during the game round. As opposed to the progressive betting systems, playing systems rely on game situation and layout of the card decks. The playing systems vary severely between different incarnations of Blackjack, and often depend on player's ability. Not every playing system is easy to handle. The most popular and probably most efficient playing system is card counting combined with the basic Blackjack strategy.

The basic strategy is an essential tool for every Blackjack player while card counting is an advanced skill that borders with an art. Another new and advanced technique for Blackjack is called Shuffle Tracking. Shuffle tracking is a scientific way of tracking interesting cards throughout the shuffling. Unfortunately for most online Casino players, card counting and shuffle tracking along with the Labouchere system are useless in online Casinos because computer generated deck drawing is much more even and random than a real deck of cards that these systems try to analyse.

A strategy is therefore a combination of betting and playing systems that the player finds suitable for himself. It depends on the player's skill and ability, bankroll, game duration and table rules (especially the number of decks the table plays with). As you can see there is no single and specific way to maximize your odds.

Mastering strategies is a daunting task that can only be beaten with experience and wisdom. It is not something a newbie player should try to pursue during his first steps in Blackjack because it will probably make the game more confusing, but once the player becomes well familiar with the game and gets used to playing it freely, strategies become an essential study.


Three things are a menace to newbie Online Blackjack players and we must share these with you so that you know what to avoid.

The first evil is wrong assumptions. Some things may feel intuitive but in reality they only harm your chances.

1. Don't play the dealer rule. Standing on 17 is not going to give you the same advantage as the dealer: the dealer rule prohibits splitting, doubling or taking insurance effectively taking your advantage of options from you.
2. Do not assume that the hole card (the dealer's card that's left face down) is of 10 points. Actual mathematical likelihood is under 1/2 so such assumption is pointless
3. Do not play "stand on 12" or "never bust", as it gives a tremendous advantage to the house while giving you an illusion that you are safe and could win whenever the dealer busts

The second evil is people who sell "strategies" in form of "strategy guides", offering them on eBay and by mail order. Prices vary from $5 to $10,000. These are worthless and usually describe one or more strategies we write about here. Paying for information that is freely available on the Internet along with insightful and scientific comment on its real effectiveness is worthless. The "strategy sellers" are practically scammers who often go as low as resorting to spamming to promote their fictional "product".

Favourable Table Rules

Variations exist to the rules between different Casinos both online and land based. Variations to the game of Blackjack from Casino to Casino affects the expected win rate, or the amount the player can expect to win or lose. The players expected win rate using basic strategy depends on the Casino's Blackjack rules and the number of decks being used.

Some of these variations favour the house and some favour the player. A set of conditions for which the player using proper basic strategy can make the win rate even out is as follows:

A single deck game.
The player is allowed to double down on any two cards but not after splitting.

The dealer stands on soft seventeen.

Surrender is allowed.
Blackjack is paid off at 3 to 2.

To gain an advantage using basic strategy the player must locate casinos offering the following rules variations:

Blackjack's paying 2 to 1 increase the expected win rate by 2.3%
The option to double down an any number of cards increases the expected win rate by 0.24
The option to double down after splitting pairs increases the expected win rate by 0.14
The option to early surrender increases the expected win rate by 0.70%
The option to late surrender increases the expected win rate by 0.06%
Blackjack's paid when the dealer ties increases the expected win rate by 0.30%

Blackjack players should always attempt to locate and play the playing conditions described above.

Unfavourable Table Rules

Some of the variations favour the house more than the player. The following is a list of unfavourable conditions and how they affect the players expected win rate.

Dealers hitting soft seventeen decreases the expected win rate by 0.20%
Playing with two decks decreases the expected win rate by 0.30%
Playing with four decks decreases the expected win rate by 0.48%
Playing with six or eight decks decreases the expected win rate by 0.56%
The inability to double down on nine decreases the expected win rate by 0.13%
The inability to double down on soft hands decreases the expected win rate by 0.13%

Blackjack players should always attempt to avoid the playing conditions described above.

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